

我總覺得要認識HIM,從Dark Light認識是個不錯的開始(雖然這不是我的開始),或許因為Dark Light曲風上較為「美國化」,所以也比較容易讓台灣接受,我看到台灣很多人還有我身邊的人都挺喜歡這張。


Dark Light是HIM第五張專輯,也是轉入華納後的第一張專輯,2005年推出後成功打入美國市場,躍上排行榜第18名,也讓HIM成為第一個在美國得到金唱片的芬蘭樂團。

但是這張專輯也讓HIM的歌迷分成兩派—新派與舊派。由於偏向「美式曲風」,造成一路跟隨HIM的歌迷開始懷疑這是否是Love Metal想要表達的,跟前幾張感覺差得太多;而因Dark Light開始認識HIM的則確定這張是他們的最愛(而且大部分是美洲地區)。

Dark Light是我第二張HIM的專輯,當初拿到時心中激動異常,一天下來反覆聽了好幾次,像是要把每一首內建在腦子裡一樣,也不知道是不是因為聽了這麼多次,所以導致後來跟其他專輯比,Dark Light在我心中反而沒這麼重要了。





(Rip out the)Wings of a Butterfly

我一直覺得這是一支賣相很好的單曲,因為大家都很愛這首歌,簡單不複雜,if you get what I mean。


Heaven ablaze in our eyes
We're standing still in time
The blood on our hands is the wine
We offer as sacrifice

Come on, and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul, my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul

This endless mercy mile
We're crawling side by side
With hell freezing over in our eyes
Gods kneel before our crime


Killing Lonliness




 Memories, sharp as daggers
Pierce into the flesh of today
Suicide of love took away all that matters
And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness (Killing loneliness)
With the warmth of your arms you saved me,
Oh, I'm killing loneliness with you
I'm killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness

Nailed to the cross, together
As solitude begs us to stay
Disappear in the lie forever
And denounce the power of death over our souls and secret words are said to start a war



Vampire Heart

我真希望這首也有MV!我想看Ville演吸血鬼啊!整張專輯我最愛的兩首歌—Vampire Heart和Killing Lonliness,我超愛他的詞啊啊!不過也很好奇是什麼啟發他寫關於吸血鬼的歌?

You can't escape the wrath of my heart
Beating to your funeral song (You're so alone)
All faith is lost for hell regained
And love dust in the hands of shame (Just be brave)

Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed
And lead you along this path in the dark
Where I belong 'till I feel your warmth

Hold me
Like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me
Like you love the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

I'll be the thorns on every rose
You've been sent by hope (You'll grow cold)
I am the nightmare waking you up
From the dream of a dream of love (Just like before)

Let me weep you this poem as Heaven's gates close
Paint you my soul, scarred and alone
Waiting for your kiss to take me back home



The Face of God

剛開始聽有點詫異,可是聽久了後卻越來越沈迷這首歌,一首跟Dark Light很呼應的歌,尤其Ville在副歌整個低沉的嗓音!

I'm drained but aching for more
And the devil inside is reading
The words of the saddest poem
To be engraved on the stone of my grave

I'd kill to share your pain
(And carry the shame)
And sell my soul for you just to say

I dream what you're dreaming
And feel what you're feeling
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the face of god

Nothing will be enough
For the ones Who keep on stumbling
In the garden of withering trust
Without the courage to leave

Oh I'd take my life for your kiss
(Grant me my wish)
And lose it all to take you across the abyss

I dream what you're dreaming
And feel what you're feeling
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the face of god

You dream what I'm Dreaming
And See what I'm seeing
Love's our shadow on the wall
With the Face of God

Labyrinth in a shape of a heart
Love's secret architecture
I find myself to be lost in the
Arms of your fate

I'd kill to share you pain
(Please let me stay)
And sell my soul for you just to say
Love's name in vein
Again and again


My favourite light







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