



Venus Doom對我來說是個需要second hearing/look的專輯,至少在第一印象我並沒有特別欣賞,畢竟他的封面跟過去大不相同,不是Ville也不是Heartagram,然而經過反覆聆聽音樂後,漸漸的愛上這個封面——「一張隱藏在風暴中的臉」。雖然一開始對封面沒好感,我卻很喜歡歌詞本的內頁,完全被黑暗攻佔的氛圍徹底顯露了整張專輯的風格。


如果說HIM的音樂,一直都如同在晦暗的幽谷中徘徊,向愛情懇求最後一絲垂憐,那麼Venus Doom或許就是對一切心灰意冷,將自己放逐於無盡的黑暗之中了。我一直覺得他是所有專輯裡最憂鬱、絕望的一張,也許是設計、也許是音樂(更可能是Ville那時狀況很多),這張專輯總讓我覺得想將人拉往深淵,令人萬劫不復,往下重重地摔落。


除此之外,這張專輯最特別的部份就是同時擁有HIM所有歌曲中最長的歌『Sleepwalking past hope』跟最短的歌『Song or Suicide』。





Vemus Doom

這是跟專輯同名的第一首歌『金星末日』,我很喜歡這個命名,但也充滿好奇。Venus雖然在天文學上是金星,但同時也是羅馬神話中的維納斯,愛與美的象徵。而Doom是命定的厄運和毀滅,讓我不禁懷疑,真正的解釋應是女神所詛咒的命運?尤其是其中一句歌詞:"Watch me fall, for you my Venus Doom" 




Leave all behind now to watch her crawl

Through our dark gardens of insanity

She'll be the light to guide you back home

Just give her a kiss worth dying for

And open your arms


Watch me fall for you

My venus doom

Hide my heart where all dreams are entombed

My venus doom

All dreams are of you

My venus doom


Grieve all your hearts out and she'll writhe enthralled

In tragic ecstatic agony

And in her flames we will die some more

Just show me her life worth living for

And light up the dark


Hold me inside your infernal offering

Touch me as I fall

Don't lose yourself in this suffering yet

Hold on




Passion’s Killing Floor




It's poetry carved in flesh

This beautiful hell of ours

To the deadliest sin we confess

(Tears of joy fill our eyes)

We are safe where disfigured saints

Cry out their prophecies of doom


My heart's a graveyard, baby

And to evil we make love

On our passion's killing floor

In my arms, you won't sleep safely

And of lust we are reborn

On our passion's killing floor


At the first kiss

the seeds of hatred are sewn

Back into darkness we flee

(To tear our hearts out)

We are saved where all faiths fail

Alive inside of our tomb


Forever more. . .




The Kiss of Dawn



不過這首歌的MV把Ville的眼睛拍得好溫柔,makes me drown in his gaze.

YouTube - HIM - The Kiss Of Dawn (Video)




Blinded I am

And so are you

By shedding tears

Confusion that separates us two

We hold dear


Just look into my eyes

Kiss our fears goodbye


I'm reaching for your shadow

Drowning in the kiss of dawn

Touching the pain that you left me with

At the kiss of dawn


I'm tired of the games

I'm playing with you

When you're not here

Death frees from the fear of dying

It's true, have no fear


Let me look into your eyes

And see death pass us by



Bleed Well



 You had demons to kill within you screaming

With a gun loaded with guilt you opened their eyes


Love preys the living and praises the dead

In the heart of our hearts by death we were wed


Bleed well the soul you're about to sell for passion deranged

Kiss and tell, baby we're bleeding well

Bleed well the heart you're about to fail for reasons insane

Kill and tell, baby we're bleeding well'

'In hell


'No love lost under her will', I heard you weeping

And on those words a church was built to keep the pain in


If death is the answer to love's mysteries

Then bleed on my darling to the sound of a dream




Sleepwalking Past Hope




I hid the keys to unlock love's heart

To hold you in my sweetest pain and suffering

Everything's unfair in our lust and war

Redemption beyond right and wrong


In our hearts love keeps sweet-talking to despair

And goes on sleepwalking past hope

All is lost in this war

And all we can do is to wail and weep to the saddest song

Sleepwalking past hope


I unlit the light to embrace the dark

To be near but not to turn into you my darling

Forever we're lost in our souls' storm

Reflections of each other's faults


I gave up long ago

Painting love with crimson flow

Ran out of blood and hope

So I paint you no more


My hell begins from the 10th and descends to the circle

Six hundred threescore and six

And from there I crawl beneath Lucifer's claws just for one last kiss



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